4·26特辑 | 山东高院发布2022年山东法院知识产权司法保护状况、十大知识产权案件,山东法院种业知识产权司法保护典型案例,以及加强农业知识产权司法保护的意见

2023-04-21 14:51:02

来源 | 山东高法





发布会现场, 山东高院与省农业农村厅领导共同会签了《种业知识产权保护协作框架协议》。省农业农村厅领导、人大代表、政协委员、专家学者受邀出席本次发布会。









图1  近五年山东法院新收、审结各类知识产权案件数量图




图2 近五年山东法院知识产权民事一审案件数量图



图3 山东三级法院知识产权民事一审案件分布图



图4 2022年山东法院新收知识产权民事二审案件比例图





图5 2022年山东法院新收知识产权刑事一审案件数量图




图6 近五年山东法院新收、审结知识产权行政案件数量图








图7  2022年山东法院新收技术类知识产权民事一审案件数量图





图8 2022年山东法院商标权民事一审案件图




图9  2022年山东法院著作权民事一审案件数量图




图10 2022年山东法院不正当竞争民事一审案件数量图




图11 2022年山东法院涉外涉港澳台知识产权民事一审案件数量图














山东法院扎实推进信息技术与司法工作深度融合,积极推进互联网、人工智能、大数据等现代科技在司法领域的深度应用, 实现信息化建设与知识产权审判深度融合。进一步完善知识产权案例和裁判文书数据库深度应用, 在充分利用好最高人民法院现有“知己”“知彼”知识产权裁判规则库的基础上,大力推进山东法院精准化案例规则库建设,2022年共录入知识产权案例179条。根据山东智慧法院 4.0 类案审理模块系统推广应用工作部署,完成商标权、信息网络传播权、作品发行权等侵权类知识产权案件要素化模块建设,促进裁判标准统一。实现互联网庭审常态化,山东高院知识产权案件互联网审理率达到93.56%。山东法院知识产权文书全年送达24273次,其中,电子送达23978次,电子送达率达到98.8%。青岛知识产权法庭上线跨网域异步质证系统,当事人在线上传电子化证据材料,庭前程序更加便捷高效,该系统被最高人民法院在全国宣传推广;持续深化完善“智能3D证据管理系统”应用,出台《知识产权智能3D证据管理规定》,完成建模832件次,进一步推进规范化体系化建设。济南知识产权法庭出台《知识产权审判“智能3D证据”管理规范》,完成建模630件次。




























Intellectual Property Protection

by Shandong Courts in 2022


General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that innovation is the primary force propelling development, that protecting intellectual property rights protects innovation, and that legal protection for intellectual property rights as well as a fundamental system for all-around innovation should be strengthened and established. In 2022, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Shandong courts strictly adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law, applied the spirits of the 20th CPC National Congress in all its operations, earnestly studied General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on topics such as intellectual property rights protection, scientific and technological innovation, and fair competition, fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts, and actively served and integrated into the new pattern of development. By closely focusing on the goals and tasks set by the Shandong Intellectual Property Rights Protection Conference, with the aim to “Taking the lead and Opening up New Prospects,” Shandong courts fully leveraged the role of intellectual property trials, further promoted the modernization of the intellectual property trial system and its capacity, so as to effectively facilitate the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, and provide solid judicial guarantees for building a province with powerful intellectual property rights.

I. Significant Increase of Cases and Continuous Improvement in Trial Quality and Efficiency

Shandong courts strictly adhered to prioritizing law enforcement and case handling, gave full play to the effectiveness of the “three-in-one” mechanism, and efficiently and fairly adjudicated various civil, criminal, and administrative intellectual property cases in accordance with the law by accurately identifying the facts and accurately applying the law.

(I) Overview of Cases

In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted a total of 23,986 intellectual property cases and concluded 24,553 cases, which is comparable to the situation in 2021. There were 21,082 cases of first-instance, down by 10.47% year-on-year (YoY); 2,628 cases of second-instance, up by 21.16% YoY; 248 petitions for retrial, up by 143.14% YoY; and 28 cases of retrial, up by 180% YoY.


Fig. 1. The number of intellectual property cases accepted and concluded by Shandong courts in the past 5 years

(II) Overview of Civil Intellectual Property Cases

In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted a total of 23,606 civil intellectual property cases, down by 7.51% YoY, and concluded 24,163 cases, down by 2.33% YoY. Shandong courts newly accepted a total of 20,760 civil intellectual property cases of first-instance, down by 10.81% YoY. Among them, there were 10,135 copyright cases, 6,572 trademark cases, 1,614 patent cases, 1,157 unfair competition cases, and 712 franchise contract cases. In all, 21,620 cases were concluded, down by 4.2%YoY. Among the concluded cases, 13,980 cases were concluded through mediation or withdrawal, with a mediation and withdrawal rate of 64.66%.Shandong courts continued to strengthen the work of litigation sources governance and pre-litigation mediation to effectively promote the resolution of the intellectual property right disputes at the source in a comprehensive way. Consequently, intellectual property civil cases showed a downward trend for the first time.


Fig. 2. Civil intellectual property cases of first-instance in Shandong courts in the past five years

In 2022, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Several Provisions on Jurisdiction over Intellectual Property Civil and Administrative Cases of First Instanceand its supporting documents, approving the establishment of 20 grassroots courts in Shandong with jurisdiction over civil and administrative intellectual property cases. The number of such grassroots courts in Shandong reached 41, and the value of the subject matter of civil and administrative intellectual property cases of first-instance handled by these courts grew from RMB 500,000 to RMB 1 million. In 2022, Shandong grassroots courts newly accepted 16,675 civil intellectual property cases of first-instance, accounting for 80.32% of all civil intellectual property cases of first-instance. Shandong intermediate courts newly accepted 4,085 civil intellectual property cases of first-instance, accounting for 19.68%. An initial “pyramid” pattern of jurisdiction over civil intellectual property cases of first-instance was thus formed in Shandong Province.


Fig. 3. Distribution of cases in Shandong High People’s Court, intermediate courts, and grassroots courts

In 2022,Shandong courts newly accepted 2,587 civil intellectual property cases of second-instance, up by 20.61% YoY. Among them, there were 992 copyright cases, 939 trademark cases, 272 unfair competition cases, 186 franchise contract cases, and 128 patent cases. During the year, Shandong courts concluded a total of 2,319 intellectual property cases of second-instance, up by 10.85% YoY. Among the concluded cases, 898 cases were concluded through mediation or withdrawal , and the rate of mediation and withdrawal was 38.72%.


Fig. 4. Percentage of civil intellectual property cases of second-instance newly accepted by Shandong courts in 2022

In 2022, the Shandong High People’s Court newly accepted 1,183 civil intellectual property cases and concluded 909 cases. Among them, there were 881 cases of second-instance with 645 concluded; 213 petitions for retrial with 179 concluded; 17 cases of retrial with 15 concluded; and 72 jurisdiction cases with 70 concluded.

(III) Overview of Criminal Intellectual Property Cases

In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 353 criminal intellectual property cases, up by 21.31% YoY and concluded 359 cases, up by 36.5% YoY. Among them, there were 295 criminal intellectual property cases of first-instance, up by 15.23% YoY. There were 134 criminal cases of selling goods with counterfeited registered trademarks, 93 criminal cases of counterfeiting registered trademarks, 36 criminal cases of illegally manufacturing or selling illegally manufactured logos of registered trademarks, 23 criminal cases of copyright infringement, 6 criminal cases of trade secret infringement, and 3 criminal cases of selling infringing copies. In all, 303 cases were concluded, up by 30.6% YoY.

图片 Fig. 5. The number of criminal intellectual property cases of first-instance newly accepted by Shandong courts in 2022

(IV) Overview of Administrative Intellectual Property Cases

Shandong courts newly accepted 27 administrative intellectual property cases of first-instance, up by 68.75% YoY and concluded 31 cases, up by 82.35% YoY. Among them, there were 20 patent administrative cases and 7 trademark administrative cases.


Fig. 6. Thenumber of administrative intellectual property cases accepted and concluded by Shandong courts in the past five years

(V) New Achievements in Model Case Trials

For many years, Shandong courts have consistently implemented and promoted a project focused on “refined management and model case trials” of intellectual property cases, and have achieved remarkable results. In 2022, new achievements were made in the trial of model cases, with a total of 7 cases selected as typical cases by the Supreme People’s Court, reaching a new high in both the number and the quality of selected cases and ranking top among peers in China. Among the cases, the unfair competition case of dispute over “Click farming and fraudulent credit speculation”of Dianping.com was listed as one of “Top 10 IP Cases of Chinese Courts.” The case of dispute over trademark infringement and unfair competition of “MicroEssentials” and the case involving patent infringement of “long carbon chain dicarboxylic acid (DCAs)” were listed in the “50 Typical IP Cases of Chinese Courts.” Two cases involving the infringement of new plant variety of "Weike 609" maize and "Luhu No.1" zucchini, were listed in the “Typical Cases on the IP Judicial Protection of the Seed Industry by the People’s Courts.” The case involving infringement of utility patents of “concrete mixing trailer pump” and the case involving the ownership of utility patents of“gas spraying device,” were listed in the “Judgment Abstracts of the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court.”

II. Giving Full Play to the Role of Intellectual Property Trials to Support High-quality Economic and Social Development

Based on the firm belief that “protecting IP rights is to protect innovation itself,” Shandong courts have effectively strengthened the legal protection ofintellectual property rights and are serving sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels and endeavoring to foster a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized first-class business environment, so as to serve high-quality economic and social development.

(I) Strengthening the Protection of Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements

Shandong courts have served the function on role of IP-case adjudication to encourage and guarantee scientific and technological innovation. By reinforcing rule guidance and value orientation for protection of scientific and technological innovation achievements, the courts facilitated technological progress and industrial upgrading continuously. In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 857 civil technology-related intellectual property cases of first-instance and concluded 952 cases. The courts effectively handled IP cases of high-tech fields such as 5G communication, marine pharmaceuticals, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy and new materials, and new plant varieties. Among the cases, there were 158 cases of patent for invention, with 175 concluded; 421 cases of patent for utility models, with 445 concluded; 135 cases of disputes over computer software copyright, with 176 concluded; 55 cases of new plant varieties, with 44 concluded; 45 cases of disputes over technical contracts, with 52 concluded; 20 cases of disputes over technical secrets, with 24 concluded; and 23 other cases, with 36 concluded.


Fig. 7. Technology-related IP civil cases of first-instance newly accepted by Shandong courts in 2022

Shandong courts focused on strengthening the protectionof Key and Core Technologies and stimulated scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading. In the case involving patent infringement of“long carbon chain dicarboxylic acid (DCAs)”, the Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal stuck to the judicial ideal of pro-IP protection, reasonably allocated the burden of proof by applying evidentiary rules, and awarded a total of RMB 5 million in compensation for economic losses suffered by the right holder. The case was listed in the “50 Typical IP Cases of Chinese courts.” Shandong courts have emphasized on increasing protection for major agricultural scientific and technological achievements and new plant varieties with independent intellectual property rights, to effectively guarantee the security of the Chinese seed and food industries.In the case involving the infringement of new plant variety of “Luhu No. 1,” the Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal determined that as the plant nameused by the infringer on the product package were the same as that of the authorized variety, the two fall into the same variety, thereby duly solving the difficulty in identifying the facts of the case using relevant provisions of judicial interpretation. In the case involving the infringement of new plant variety of “Weike 609,”Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal tested the involved infringing samples confiscated by the administrative organ as samples for variety identification, thereby realizingeffective coordination between administrative protection and judicial IP protection. These two cases were listed in the “Typical Cases on the IP Judicial Protection of the Seed Industry by the People’s Courts.” In hearing the cases involving the ownership and infringement of utility patents of “concrete mixing trailer pump” and “gas spraying device,” Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal established the judgment standards for cases of related technical intellectual property, which werepromoted by the Supreme People’s Court as the“rule of technical judgmentof the year 2021.”

(II) Building the “Remarkable Shandong” Brand

Shandong courtsemphasized on strengthening judicial protection for well-known trademarks and traditional and time-honored brands, supported the building of trademark brands in accordance with law, actively guided rights holders to continue practical implementation of trademarks to exert the function of trademarks in brand recognition, and punished trademark free-riding,counterfeiting, etc. according to law, helping build more local brands that are internationally competitive. In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 6,572 civil cases of first-instance involving domestically and internationally well-known brandsincluding Weichai, Haier, Hisense, WangMazi, Liu Gong, Anta, Oppein, Rejoice, PRADA, etc., and concluded 6,034 cases. In thetrademark infringementcase ofHuanqiu, Shandong High People’s Court determined that the trademark registered by the trademark holder in 1958 before the implementation of the Trademark Law would remain valid, and that since the trademark had been continuously in use by the trademark holder, the rights and interests in the trademarkwould remain unchanged. The court supported the trademark owner’s claims and fully protected its legitimate rights and interests. In thetrademark infringement case of “Gang Tai”, Shandong High People’s Court determined that the company’s executives and the company had committed joint infringement and judged that the company’s executives should bear corresponding responsibilities, which dealt a severe blow on the infringement of traditional Chinese medicine trademarks, thus safeguarding high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.


Fig. 8. Civil trademark cases of first-instance in Shandong courts in 2022

(III) Serving and Guaranteeing Cultural Innovative Transformation and Development

Shandong courts gave full play to the guiding role of copyright adjudication for refined culture, shouldered the mission of innovative transformation and development of refined traditional Chinese culture, appropriately handled new issues concerning copyright protection of traditional and internet-based cultural works as well as their dissemination as per law, promoted the development and prosperity of cultural undertakings of Shandong, and facilitated the development of Shandong into a culturally strong province. In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 10,135 copyright cases and concluded 10,623 cases. Among them, there were 5,328 cases involving the infringement of the right of information network dissemination, with 5,420 Cases concluded; there were 3,299 cases involving the infringement of the rights of reproduction and distribution of works, with 3,280 concluded; 1,106 cases involving the infringement of the right of show, with 1,100 concluded. Cases involving the infringement of the right of information network dissemination accounted for 46.2% of all copyright cases, making this the most prevalent type of copyright case in recent years. In the case of infringement of the right of information network dissemination of photographic works heard by Yantai Intermediate People’s Court, the legal natures of “forwarding” and “reprinting” in the right of information network dissemination were differentiated and defined, which further clarified the order of network cultural dissemination. Zibo Intermediate People’s Court heard the case of dispute over the infringement of the right of information network dissemination on the part of “CNKI,” clarified the rules of adjudication, responded to social expectations, and effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owners.


Fig. 9. The number of civil copyright cases of first-instance in Shandong courts in 2022

(IV) Maintaining Market Order for Fair Competition

Shandong courts attached equal importance to standardization and development, appropriately heard antitrust and anti-unfair competition cases in accordance with the law, severely punished acts that undermined fair competition or disrupted market order in accordance with the law, such as compulsory “exclusive dealing agreement” and “click farming and fraudulent credit speculation,”which improved enterprises’ awareness of fair competition, and guided the formation of a market environment that advocated, protected, and promoted fair competition. In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 1,157 anti-unfair competition cases and concluded 1,236 cases. Among them, there were 764 cases of counterfeiting, with 822 concluded; 283 cases of unfair network competition, with 308 concluded; 53 cases of trade secret, with 59 concluded; 29 cases of false propaganda, with 27 concluded; 28 other cases, with 20 concluded. In the case of commercial defamation of “Hisense” vs. “TCL,” Shandong High People’s Court punished the use of “short videos” in publicizing false and misleading information that damaged the reputation of competitors in accordance with the law, and raised the compensation amount from RMB 500,000 in the firstinstance judgment to RMB 2 million to regulate the use of “short videos” in brand promotion and cleanse the market competition environment. Inthe unfair competition case of dispute over “Click farming and fraudulent credit speculation” of Dianping.com, Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal severely punished the practice of unfair competition and the use of “click farming” to hype the reputation of network operators and to damage the legitimate rights and interests of platform operators and consumers, thus maintaining a market order of fair competition. The case was listed in the “Top 10 IP Cases of Chinese Courts.”


Fig. 10. The number of civilunfair competition cases of first-instance in Shandong courts in 2022

(V) Taking the Initiative in Serving the Policy of High Degree of Opening-up

Shandong courts equally protected the legitimate rights and interests of both domestic and foreign parties in accordance with the law tocreate an open, fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory environment forthe development of science and technology and amarket-oriented, world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework. Through considering both domestic and external situationsin a coordinative way, the courts resolutely safeguardednational sovereignty, security, and development interests of China while promoting mutually beneficial international economic and trade cooperation. In 2022, Shandong courts newly accepted 469 civil cases of first-instance involving the intellectual property rights of foreign entities and entities in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and concluded 457 cases. Among them, there were 275 cases involving foreign-related trademark rights, with 262concluded; and 150 cases involving foreign-related copyright, with 160concluded. In addition, 17 cases involving foreign-related patents were accepted, with 24 concluded. Cases involving foreign-related trademark rights concerned internationally renowned brands such as Prada, Louis Vuitton, The North Face, Nike, and Hennessy as well asother commodities such as clothing, perfume, and alcohol. In the case of dispute over trademark infringement and unfair competition of“MicroEssentials”, despite the infringer’s rejection to submit the books of accounts, Shandong High People’s Court fully supported the right holder’s claim for compensation of more than RMB10 million based on the fact that the infringer had an all-round free-ride on the right holder’s business reputation to commit long-term infringement, thus attracting severe punishment for infringement as per law. The case was listed in the “50 Typical IP Cases of Chinese Courts.”


Fig. 11. The number of civil cases of first-instance involving intellectual property rights of foreign entitiesand entities in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in Shandong courts in 2022

III. Deepening Institutional and Mechanism Innovation to Promote the Modernization of the Trial Systemand Judicial Capacity

Shandong courts robustly promoted the spirit of the timeswith respect toreform and innovation, focused on deepening of reform and technology empowerment as driving forces for the modernization of the trial system and judicial capacity and strove to improve the capacity and level of judicial protection for intellectual property rights.

(I)Strictly Implementing the Punitive Damages System

General Secretary Xi Jinping has placed immense impetus on punitive damages for intellectual property rights and has mentioned several times that punitive damages should be applied in intellectual property rights protection. The General Office of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and that of Shandong Provincial People’s Government proposed to apply the principle of intellectual property compensation in a precise manner and to increase punitive damages in theImplementation Opinions on Implementing the Several Issues Concerning the Advancement of Reform and Innovation in Intellectual Property Trials. To implement the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and the work plans made by the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and to precisely apply theInterpretation on the Application of Punitive Damages in the Trial of Civil Cases Involving Intellectual Property Infringement, Shandong High People’s Court took the lead among Chinese courts in formulating and publishing theGuidelines for the Application of Punitive Damages in the Trial of Civil Cases Involving Intellectual Property Infringement. By doing so, the Courtrefined the standards for the application of punitive damages for intellectual property rights, clarified the overall requirements and specific measures for the application of punitive damages in civil cases of intellectual property infringement, and robustly enhanced judicial protection for intellectual property rights in Shandong Province—this was published on the front page of the People’s Court Dailyas a special report. To guide Shandong courts in handling relevant cases, Shandong High People’s Court issued theInstructions on the Application of Punitive Damages in the Trial of Civil Cases Involving Intellectual Property Infringementto explain in detail the background, grounds, and specific application measures of the judgment guideline, which was published in Reference to Intellectual Property Trial.

(II) Optimizing the Pattern of Intellectual Property Trials

In 2022, with the approval of the Supreme People’s Court, 20 grassroots courts with jurisdiction over civil and administrative intellectual property cases were established in Shandong Province, taking the number of grassroots courts with intellectual property jurisdiction to 41. Shandong courts have continued to consolidate the establishment of circuit courts of intellectual property trials in key development zones (parks). Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court successively established the Intellectual PropertyCircuit Court at Yantai Intellectual Property Protection Center and the Intellectual Property Circuit Workstation at Laixi-Laiyang Integrated Development Pilot Zone; Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court set up the High-tech Area Intellectual PropertyCircuit Court; Liaocheng Intermediate People’s Court built the Intellectual Property Circuit Court of the Economic and Technological Development Zone; and Heze Intermediate People’s Court established Caoxian County Intellectual Property Circuit Court. With the establishment of a “1+2+15+41” pattern of courts for intellectual property trials where the Intellectual Property Division of Shandong High People’s Court plays a leading role, the 2 intellectual property tribunals of Ji’nan and Qingdao serve as models,the intellectual property divisions of the 15 intermediate courts serve as the central point, and the 41 grassroots courts serve as pillars, together with 21 intellectual property circuit courts set up in key development zones (parks), the intellectual property jurisdiction arrangementwas further optimized and the intellectual property trial system was further improved.

(III) Deepening the Reform of the “Three-in-One” Mechanism for Intellectual Property Trials

Based on the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the“Three-in-One” Trial of Intellectual Property Cases of Shandong High People’s Court, the reform of the “Three-in-One” mechanism for intellectual property trials was carried out in an orderly manner at three levels of courts in Shandong. In 2022, intermediate courts of Yantai, Zibo, Zaozhuang, Tai’an, Rizhao, Binzhou, and Heze either developed implementation plans for the reform that were in line with local judicial practices, or jointly signed cooperation framework agreements with the municipal public security bureaus and the municipal procuratorates to build and improve a case jurisdiction system and a work coordination mechanism based on the reform. The reform was fully achieved in intermediate and grassroots courts of Qingdao, Dongying, and Weihai and was realized in the intermediate courts of Jinan, Weifang, Jining, Dezhou, and Heze. There was improved coordination among civil, administrative, and criminal litigation procedures for intellectual property rights, and the quality and efficiency of intellectual property trials were further improved. Significant achievements were made in the substantive promotion of the reform in courts across Shandong Province.

(IV)Enhancing the Development of Intellectual Property Tribunals

The establishment of intellectual property tribunals is a novel move of the national trial system for judicial protection in technology-related intellectual property cases. Shandong High People’s Court strongly supported the pilot work of the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court. In 2022, Shandong High People’s Court sent two outstanding judges and two judge assistants to the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court on a study and practice tour. Shandong courts cumulatively sent 11 judges and judge assistants to the Supreme People’s Court, where they proactively participated in the pilot evaluation forum of the Intellectual Property Court and gave suggestions on improving the appeal hearing mechanism for intellectual property cases at the national level according to the work plan of the Supreme People’s Court. In 2022, Shandong High People’s Court was commended by the Supreme People’s Court as a “Collective with Outstanding Performance in Pilot Work of Intellectual Property Courts.”

The Ji’nan and Qingdao intellectual property tribunals are important components of the national specialized trial system for technology-related intellectual property cases. After their establishment, the two tribunals played a significant leading and driving role in the development of Shandong’s intellectual property trials, effectively served and guaranteed the national innovation-driven development strategy and contributed toward making Shandong a province with strong intellectual property rights. In 2022, the two tribunals accepted 9,283 intellectual property cases of first-instance, second-instance, and petitions for retrial, with 9,557 Cases concluded, accounting for 40% of the total number of intellectual property cases in Shandong. Several cases were rated as typical cases by the Supreme People’s Court. Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal conducted research on judicial protection of new plant varieties and published a research report titled Take the Initiative to Build a Large-scale Protection Framework to Promote Innovative Development of the Modern Seed Industry. Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal fully capitalized on its advantages in cross-regional jurisdiction, signed cross-regional cooperation agreements on intellectual property rights protection with Weihai and Weifang intermediate courts and market administrations, and hosted the Jiaodong Peninsula Work Exchange Conference of Coordinated Judicial and Administrative Protection for Intellectual Property to promote integrated protection in the Jiaodong economic zone. Based on the work plan for “building an international, innovative city,” members of the Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal also visited and conducted research on new industries such as integrated circuits and bio-pharmaceuticals, with the aim to develop a better understanding of the judicial needs of enterprises, so as to provide precise judicial services.

(V) Advancing the Development of a Technical Investigation Talent Pool

Shandong High People’s Court directed Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal and Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal to publish administrative measures and implementation rules for technical advisory experts, investigators, and expert jurors based on the relevant provisions for technical investigators of the Supreme People’s Court, to standardize the engagement of experts in litigation work. This gave full play to the role of intellectual property judicial protection expert think tanks and effectively enhanced technical fact-ascertaining in intellectual property cases. Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal completed the selection and appointment of the second batch of technical consulting experts and investigators, promulgated the Interim Measures for the Engagement of Technical Investigators in Litigation Activities, and the Articles of Association of the Expert Consulting Committee, and appointed 28 technical investigators and 54 technical consulting experts to assist judges in accurately comprehending and efficiently clarifying professional and technical issues. Cumulatively, the two tribunals heard 59 cases where they were assisted by the technical investigators and expert jurors, and gradually standardized the engagement of technical experts in litigation activities such as court hearings, inquests, and evidence preservation. Shandong High People’s Court plans to build a technical investigation talent pool of Shandong courts, which will be integrated with the Technical Investigation Talent Pool of Chinese Courts of the Supreme People’s Court, improve the mechanism for sharing technical investigation talent resources, and build a mechanism to link with the dispatch of technical investigation resources by the Supreme People’s Court.

(VI) Deepening the Development of Smart Courts

Shandong courts conscientiously advanced the in-depth integration of information technology with judicial work, and proactively promoted the in-depth judicial application of modern technologies such as the internet, AI, and big data in the judicial field to comprehensively integrate information and intellectual property trials. They further improved the in-depth application of the intellectual property case and judgment document database and strenuously advanced the development of a precise case rule bank by comprehensively utilizing theZhiji Zhibiadjudication rules databases of the Supreme People’s Courts, which is aimed at enhancing the courts’ understanding of their own cases and those of other courts. A total of 179 intellectual property cases were included in the case rule bank in 2022. Shandong courts completed the development of elemental modules for cases involving infringement of intellectual property rights, including trademark rights, information network dissemination rights, and work distribution rights based on the work plan for the promotion and application of Shandong Smart Court 4.0 case trial module system, which promoted the unification of the judgment standards. The standardization of internet trials was achieved with the internet trial rate of intellectual property cases in Shandong High People’s Court reaching 93.56%. Documents related to intellectual property cases of Shandong courts were delivered 24,273 times throughout the year, among which 23,978 deliveries were conducted electronically, with an electronic delivery rate of 98.8%. The Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal launched a cross-domain asynchronous cross-examination system for the parties to a litigation to upload electronic evidence online, which enhanced the convenience and efficiency of the pre-trial procedure—the system was promoted nationwide by the Supreme People’s Court. The courts continued to deepen and enhance the application of the Intelligent 3D Evidence Management System, introduced the Regulations on Intelligent 3D Evidence Management of Intellectual Property rights, and conducted modeling 832 times to ensure the standardization of the system and make it more organized. Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal issued the Specifications on Intelligent 3D Evidence Management of Intellectual Property Trials and conducted modeling 630 times.

IV.Collaborative Efforts to Develop a Large-scale Intellectual Property Protection Model

Shandong courts collaboratively worked with various social entities, strengthened coordination and cooperationamong all parties, proactively developed a large-scale intellectual property rights protectionmodel, and fostered an environment of rule of law, which values innovation and protects creativity.

(I)Strengthening Coordination of Administrative Support and Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights

Shandong courts were comprehensively involved in the development of the intellectual property rights protection system, strengthened communication and coordination with administrative intellectual property authorities, and participated in the development of local regulations and policies such as the Shandong provincial regulations on intellectual property rights protection and promotion, the outline for building a strong province with intellectual property rights, and the outline for quality strong province construction. The Shandong High People’s Court and the Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province signed the Framework Agreement on Promoting Collaboration in Scientific and Technological Innovation in Accordance with the Lawto accelerate the integration of science and technology into the rule of law and to promote the development of scientific and technological innovation. The Shandong High People’s Court collaboratively formulated the Implementation Opinions on Consolidating the Cooperationbetween Antitrust Administrative Law Enforcement and JudicialEngagementwith the Shandong Administration for Market Regulation and People’s Procuratorate of Shandong Provinceand established a joint antitrust force. It collaboratively published the Top 10 Copyright Protection Cases in Shandong Province with Shandong Copyright Bureau, to reinforce the multi-dimensional protection for copyrights. Furthermore, it held work exchange forums on judicial protection of intellectual property rights together with the People’s Procuratorate of Shandong Province to promote cooperation and engagement through the “three-in-one” mechanism for intellectual property trials. It also established a long-term exchange and cooperation mechanism with the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to encourage breeding innovation and to ensure technologicalself-relianceinthe seed industry. The Zibo Intermediate People’s Court partnered with the Zibo Administration for Market Supervision in compiling the Guidelines on Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights,to create a favorable social atmosphere for innovation protection.

(II)Improving Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Shandong courts focused on improving the ability of people’s courts in resolving conflicts and disputes in the new era, effectively prioritized the application of non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms, comprehensively leveraged the role of people’s courts as mediation platforms and are playing an active role in social governance innovation. The intermediate courts of Zaozhuang, Yantai, Weifang, Tai’an, Binzhou, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Linyi, and Heze, as well as the grassroots courts of counties or districts such as Lixia and Zhangqiu districts of Ji’nan, Shinan District and Jiaozhou County of Qingdao, Zhoucun District of Zibo, Linqing County of Liaocheng, and Dongming County of Heze, held discussions with other regulatory authorities including local market supervision and administration bureaus, cultural and tourism bureaus, the department of justice, and arbitration commissions, and jointly published theOpinions on Establishing a Litigation and Mediation Linkage Mechanism for Intellectual Property Disputesand the Implementation Measures for Judicial Confirmation of Administrative Mediation Agreements for Intellectual Property Cases.They strengthened the intellectual property mediator team and enhanced their training,and established the intellectual property pre-litigation mediation modes for separate mediation by market supervision, administration bureaus, arbitration commissions, and the court-basedpeople’s mediators selected and appointed by the judicial bureaus,with the courts providing guidance for intellectual property cases, thereby ensuring convenient and efficient dispute resolution for the parties involved in the cases. They comprehensivelycarried forwardthe institutionalization and standardization of administrative mediation and judicial confirmation to promote fair and efficient resolution of intellectual property disputes according to law. “Administrative mediation + judicial confirmation” is an important measure for intellectual property right protection, which can not only comprehensively enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of dispute resolution through mediation by administrative organs but also endow more powerful legal effects to intellectual property dispute mediation agreements toguarantee the fulfillment of mediation agreements in accordance with the law. In 2022, Shandong courts resolved 146 intellectual property cases through judicial confirmation via administrative mediation

(III) Strengthening Judicial Exchanges on Intellectual Property Rights

The Shandong High People’s Court was invited to attend the 3rd Qingdao Multinationals Summit,where representatives of the Court delivered a keynote speech titled Strengthening Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights and Creating a Market-oriented and Internationalized Business Environment under the Rule of Law in an All-round Manner. Representing the provincial-level political and legal system of Shandong, the Shandong High People’s Courtattended the press conference conducted by the Information Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Government on the outline of building Shandong into a province with powerful intellectual property rights, where the Court introduced the related achievements and contributions made by Shandong courts.Representatives of Ji’nan Intermediate People’s Court gave a speech on a typical case at the National Video Conference on Protecting Intellectual Property Rights of the Seed Industry and Cracking down on Counterfeiting and Trademark Infringement on behalf of the Chinese court system, and shared Shandong’s experiences and practices in offering judicial protection for the seed industry. Shandong courts took the initiative to introduce intellectual property rights protection into enterprises, units, communities, and schools, appointed judges to deliver lectures on judicial protection for intellectual property rights in universities and held discussions on literature and art copyright protection in the new media era at the invitation of Shandong Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court signed the FrameworkCooperation Agreement on Theoretical and Practical Research in Intellectual Property Rights with Binzhou Polytechnic to collaboratively build the Theoretical Research Base for Intellectual Property Protection and theBase for Intellectual Property Education, Research, and Practice.

(IV) Enhancing the Publicity of Intellectual Property Rights under the Rule of Law

Shandong High People’s Court has organized the publicity campaign of “World Intellectual Property Dayon April 26” for 21 consecutive years. The courts held press conferences and released theIntellectual Property Protection by Shandong Courts in 2021 (Chinese and English versions) andTop 10 typical IP cases of Shandong Courts in 2021. It has now become routine for Shandong courts to publicize information in both Chinese and English on intellectual property rights judicial disclosure. The courts organized and carried out the Civil Code “5 A-hundred” campaign,all of the judges, court staff and judicial personnel actively participated in the campaign. The Shandong courts recommended excellent intellectual property judgment documents, typical cases, and live broadcasts of court trials,and produced short videos of “Judges expoundon the Civil Code” to create a sound legal atmosphere for everyone to learn, use, and abide by the Civil Code. All the intermediate courts in Shandong conscientiously organized and carried out the “World Intellectual Property Day on April 26” campaign, and published a white paper on judicial protection for intellectual property rights and selected the top ten cases of judicial protection for intellectual property rights of the year, to publicize relevant achievements. They invited representatives of the National People’ Congress and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee to attend typical case trials, to publicly demonstrate fairness and to continuously improve judicial credibility. The Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal held a publicity forum on the business environment for high-tech enterprises in the “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Demonstration Park. The Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal and Qingdao Lawyers Association held a seminar on the application of punitive damages for intellectual property cases. The intermediate courts of Ji’nan, Qingdao, Zibo, Dongying, Tai’an, Weihai, Dezhou, Liaocheng, and Linyi, as well as the grassroots courts of Zhangqiu District of Ji’nan, Jimo District and Jiaozhou County of Qingdao, Zhoucun District of Zibo, and Zhaoyuan County of Yantai, actively offered enterprises services such as legal advice, information exchanges, pre-litigation mediation, and dispute early warningof their own accord, to support the innovative development of the enterprises.

V. Enhancing Investigation and Research Guidance to Improve the Quality, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Trials through Targeted Efforts

Shandong courts adhered to the problem-oriented approach, took the responsibility and focused on discovering and solving problems through investigation and research in daily work. The courts strengthened their guidance on trials, and consistently improved the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of intellectual property trials.

(I) Strengthening Investigation and Research

Bearing in mind the actual situation of intellectual property trial work in Shandong, the Shandong High People’s Court played its due role as the leader in promoting investigation and research. It collaborated with Shandong Intellectual Property Research Institute and Law School of Yantai University in studying issues related to punitive damages, and held seminars on difficult issues related to punitive damages for intellectual property rights. Together, they published the over 40,000-word Research Report on the System of Punitive Damages for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rightsbased on extensive investigation and research, laying a solid foundation for the formulation and release of follow-up judgment guidelines. After the jurisdiction of intellectual property cases was adjusted, Shandong High People’s Court worked together with intermediate and grassroots courts of Weifang in conducting investigation and research with the aim to accurately discover facts and resolve disputes in the firstinstance, effectively finalize and accurately resolve disputes in the secondinstance, and correct errors in accordance with the law and unify the judgment standards in retrials.Finally, they formulated a report titledResearch on Dispute Resolution of Trademark Infringement Cases, to provide effective guidance on handling this type of cases in Shandong. The Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal formulated theOpinions on Strengthening Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights to Serve and Guarantee Environment Improvement and Innovation-driven Development,to facilitate innovative economic and social development. The Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal also published theResearch Report on Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights in the Marine Bio-pharmaceutical Industryand theResearch Report on Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights in the Integrated Circuit Industry.The Tribunal was duly informed of the need of judicial protection in new fields and businesses and gave judicial advice to Qingdao Bureau of Commerce and Qingdao Administration for Market Regulation on problems related to franchise cases, to ensure the standardized and healthy growth of the franchise industry. The Dongying Intermediate People’s Court compiled the Six Measures for Supporting High-quality Development of the Agricultural High and New Technology Industry Demonstration Area in the Yellow River Delta to support the agricultural high and new technology industry. The Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court developed theImplementation Opinions on Strengthening Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights and Promoting the Construction of a Rule of Law Environmentto foster law-based business environment.

(II) Reinforcing Trial Guidance

At the beginning of the year, the Shandong High People’s Court formulated the Key Points of Intellectual Property Trialsin 2022, which specified the missions and major tasks of the year, and was issued to all courts of Shandong Province. It built a provincial-level intellectual property trial work guidance and exchange platform, compiled and issued theReferences To Shandong Intellectual Property Trialsevery two months, which published the latest judicial interpretations and policies and typical cases of the Supreme People’s Court, as well as Shandong courts’ experience and practices in judicial protection for intellectual property rights, and consistently expanded the channels for trial guidance. Based on the analysis of thefirst-instance cases in Shandong and the reasons for the revision of judgments in the second-instance cases, it published the Analysis Report on Operation Status of the First-instance Intellectual Property Cases of Shandong Courts in 2021 and theAnalysis Report on the Reversal of the Second-instance Intellectual Property Cases and Typical Cases of Shandong High People’s Court in 2021, where the problems with the hearing of the first and second instances of intellectual property cases in Shandong courts were sorted out, and the judgment standards were unified. When it came to issues like developing an accurate understanding of the standards for identifying works, regulating the amount of damages for infringement on emoticon art works, and determining civil liabilities in cases where the rights holder filed appeals against multiple sellers and the same manufacturer independently, Shandong High People’s Court formulated rules of study and judgment in a timely manner and enhancedits guidance to the courts throughout Shandong. The Ji’nan Intellectual Property Tribunal held a training session on the analysis of the development and reform of second-instance intellectual property cases in Ji’nan courts. The Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal held a symposium on the jurisdiction adjustment of intellectual property cases in Qingdao. The Zibo Intermediate People’s Court studied and formulated theTroubleshooting the Application of Law in Intellectual Property Cases document.The Linyi Intermediate People’s Court developed a working method for solving 20 problems under 5 aspects, including standard identification for cases of the same type, document delivery, effectiveness of notarial documents, which unified the judgment scale of the grassroots courts and improved the professionalism of both intermediate and grassroots courts.

VI. Increased Team Building Efforts to Improve Service and Guarantee Capabilities

Shandong courts strictlyadhered to Party Building in order to promote team building and trials. The courts comprehensively strengthened the team construction to be more revolutionary, standardized, specialized,and professionally more competent. And by combining political, professional, and ethical quality improvements, the courts endeavored to forge an IP trial team that was political committed, cognizant of the broader context, well-versed in the law, knowledgeable about technology, and with an international perspective.

(I)Strengthening Political Guidance

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Shandong courts strictly adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law to guarantee that administration of justice for intellectual property progressed in the right direction. Shandong courts took the study, publicity and implementation of the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task, tookthe initiative to increase participation in learning activities such ascentralized training, themed discussions, and knowledge tests, comprehensively utilizedplatforms such as Xuexi.cn and Dtdjzx.gov.cn for online learning, and aligned police ideology with the guidelines of the 20th CPC National Congress. Promoting the administration of justice through team building driven by Party building, the Intellectual Property Division of Shandong High People’s Court organized collective learning sessions at least 4 times a month and proactively carried out featured theme Party Day activities. It also gave full play to the role of the youth theory learning group, which put forward the research report titled Giving Play to the Role of Trials to Serve and Promote the Implementation of Exploring New Ground in 10 Areas.The team also actively carried out intellectual property-themed collaborative youth theory learning activities. The Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal organized activities such as the Intellectual Property and Youth Symposium on “Building the Future with Innovation” and “Celebrating the Birthday of the Motherland and the Fifth Anniversary of the Court’s Establishment,” to promote the deep integration of party building and trial.

(II)Improving Professional Capabilities

Shandong courts put in immense efforts to enhance the professional training for intellectual property judges. Shandong High People’s Court held “online+offline” training courses on intellectual property trial practice for Shandong courts, and invited several senior judges from the Supreme People’s Court to give lectures. It also conscientiously organizedand participated in the “New Knowledge Lecture Hall” training activity held by the Supreme People’s Court, selectedtwo grassroots judges to participate in the same-class special training seminar “Difficult and Complicated Issues in Handling Intellectual Property Cases” at the National Judges College, strengthened the learning of judicial practices, and invited judicial experts throughout China to deliver lectures on judicial practices and essay writing. The intermediate courts of Ji’nan, Qingdao, and Heze placed a lot of impetus on improving the administration of justice for intellectual property rights by holding relevant training in cities. In 2022, two intellectual property judges were awarded the title “Excellent Judges in Shandong” by Shandong Human Resources and Social Security Department. Five intellectual property judges were awarded the title “Experts of Administration of Justice in Shandong.”

(III) Refining Professional Ethics

Shandong courts comprehensively practiced the principle of justice for the people, adhered to judicial justice, and carefully fulfilled their responsibilities and missions of maintaining national political security. They ensured social stability, promoted social fairness and justice, guaranteed people's ability to live and work in peace and contentment, focused onthe most pressing difficulties of high concern to the people, and effectively strengthened judicial protection for people’s livelihoods. The courts implemented the “Ten Prohibitions” on political, legal, and police officers in the new era, promoted the refined traditions of the people’s judiciary, innovated means of warning and education, and implemented strict regulations and prohibitions such as the “three regulations.”They made good use of the “four forms” of oversight over discipline compliance, and promoted the development of a system and mechanism in which the judicial officials do not dare, are not able, and ultimately have no desire to be corrupt.


The year 2023 is bearing witness to the start of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. It is also a crucial year connecting the preceding and the following years in the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan.” Shandong courts will rally even closer around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its coreand be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Shandong courts will carry forward the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law, adhere to stress political awareness, enhance overall situation consciousness, promote justice, improve efficiency, emphasize self-discipline, strengthen capacity building, and serve the overall interests of the country with judicial services. Shandong courts will adhere to the unity of fairness and efficiency, consistently bear in mind the concept that protecting intellectual property rights is protecting innovation, and comprehensively deepen reform and innovation in intellectual property trials, solidly carry out the theme education on the study and implementation ofXi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, so as to bring out the functions of intellectual property trials, improve the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of intellectual property trialscomprehensively, and promote the high-quality development of intellectual property adjudication. These efforts will enable the courts to offer reliable judicial services and guarantees to build Shandong into a province withpowerful intellectual property rights.



































































































































【案情摘要】湖南都乐种业有限责任公司(简称都乐公司)系“TOLOO 都乐”图文商标权人,该商标核定使用商品为第31类植物种籽等。2019年3月至5月,代某山、刘某分别让他人印制假冒都乐公司“TOLOO 都乐”图文商标包装袋,将自行购进的高粱种子装入该包装袋,假冒都乐公司“兴湘梁2号”高粱种子对外销售。刘某海从代某山、刘某处购进假冒都乐公司注册商标的“兴湘梁2号”高粱种子对外销售。




































    2023-04-27 08:00:00